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Abstract Paint


Microneedling is a minimally invasive in office procedure with huge benefits for a wide range of skin concerns from fine lines and wrinkles to hyperpigmentation to acne scarring. Small needles on a microneedling device create small holes in the surface of your skin which in turn  stimulate your skin's healing process. By doing so, your body will stimulate collagen and elastin that help make your skin smooth and firm. Here at Columbine Aesthetics, we apply AnteAGE growth factors during and after the microneedling procedure . These factures simulate your skin's natural biosignals therefore enhancing your body's production of healing factors creating even more collagen, elastin. The results will blow you away


Who can get microneedling? 

Anyone aged 18 or over with any skin concerns, come on in and we'll talk about it. We should avoid this if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 


Does it hurt?

Prior to the procedure, we will apply a topical anesthetic thereby making this very tolerable for you. 


What's my downtime?

Minimal! you will likely be red when you leave the office and it's not unusual to bleed a bit during the procedure (we'll clean you up before you go!) For the next 3-5 days your skin may have a slight sunburned appearance. You'll want to avoid the sun for 72 hours. You will also leave with a post care kit of hylaronic acid and skin care products to use on your skin. you can wear make up the next day if needed. 


Any risks or contraindications?

If you are prone to excessive scarring this probably isn't the treatment for you (see VI Peels!) . If you get cold sores, we just ask that you premedicate with an anti viral (we can call this in for you) as sometimes microneedling will stimulate a cold sore to appear. 


Is one session enough?

It really depends on your skin and your concerns. Come in a talk to us with a free consultation if you like. Some conditions do require 3-5 treatments to see the best results. Sessions should be spaced out a minimum of 28 days. 

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