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At Columbine Aesthetics , our goal is to help you look and feel your best.  As we age, our faces change due to thinning fat pads and separation of bones which causes wrinkles and folds. To combat this, we offer dermal fillers made with hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in our body that helps to restore volume and fullness to the face. We understand that you may be worried about looking too filled or unnatural and that is why at Columbine Aesthetics we primarily use the RHA® Collection of fillers, which allow us to create subtle, natural-looking enhancements that honor the original you. So come experience the confidence that comes from looking and feeling your best!


How does the filler procedure work?

We'll first have a consultation about your goals for filler and come up with a game plan, including discussing any relevant and important medical history and realistic expectations. Then your injector will select the right product for you , clean , mark important areas of your face and place the product using a needle or a blunt cannula. And then you will ooh and aah as the years fade away instantly! 


How long will it last?

RHA collection fillers have an FDA approval up to 15 months. 


Does it hurt?

Typically no. We can use topical anesthetic to numb your face first but most fillers also contain lidocaine which provides additional numbness as the injection proceeds.


What can I expect for side effects?

Bruising, swelling, redness are not uncommon. The filler will take a little bit of time to fully integrate so we don't recommend adding more or making any other changes until 2-3 weeks. Rarely, the filler can cause a vascular occlusion in the vein or arteries in your facial anatomy. This is a reversible problem as most HA fillers are dissolvable. We are trained thoroughly in facial anatomy which helps us avoid these pitfalls and just as trained in how to fix them!


Who cannot get filler?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should avoid these treatments. If you have a history of severe allergies (with a history of anaphylaxis or multiple severe allergies),  a history of allergies to gram-positive bacterial proteins or allergies to local anesthetics such as lidocaine you should not get filler. If you have a bleeding disorder you should not get filler. 


What about if I have an autoimmune disease?

Generally there is no conclusive link between fillers and autoimmune complications and if you are in a flare or changing your medication regimen we should hold off until you and your doctor feel your disease is well controlled.  Dr. Tim Pearce, a leading expert in aesthetic medicine has a great article about this if you would like to read more about this CLICK HERE.


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